The nature of the parent-to-child social interaction may change over time in Autistic Disorder and may vary depending on the developmental level of both the child and the parent.
Parents may neglect to cuddle the baby. They may not show affection. They may even resent the way the baby came to be or because of economic or social considerations dread the future for themselves or the child and therefore (perhaps) unconsciously avoid physical contact. Also socially directed smiles, facial responsiveness, and eye contact may be lacking. Parents may neglect or choose not to respond to cries for help when the baby is hungry, thirsty, wet, dirty, cold, too warm, has laid in one position too long, is bored, is afraid, or is lonely. Helpless loneliness develops until the child can begin to do things for itself independent of others. These babies and children may respond to all care givers similarly or cling to one who helps most frequently or best.
In the course of time the parent may become more inclined to engage with the child due to changing circumstances or growing awareness of the child’s need. By now the child’s social responses have failed to develop normally and their responses may be disappointing. The child may focus on a few material, learning, or social attempts with which it has had some success and repeat them excessively.
Intimate mutual understanding of boundaries, what subjects are of interest, and of current importance, is not perceived. The child also returns their perceived intrusion and lack of concern to others.
Experts believe that this condition has an unknown cause. 11/2014
Here I have given my own opinions which are based on limited information.
I recommend the book Boys of Few Words to help you in understanding and relating.
Our house burned when I was two months old. The family moved to a poorly heated slightly improved corn bin and garage. I was wrapped up warm thus preventing close cuddling. Mother had five children who needed mothering. Older sisters loved to hold “the baby”. The work load was heavy and the circumstances were very difficult then and continued even after the new house had been built. She was a good mother but my social exposure and development was limited.
My father was also was raised with limited social experience when young. Men are affected four to five times more than females. Society has different expectations of boys and men.
May God help us treat one another well. Phil Blake 24 November 2013