Please don’t try to change me.
     I don’t want to be deceived
with lies, lack of, unbalanced,
or false information, false hopes,
false appearances, or unfounded fears.
     I don’t want you to insist
that I do it perfectly now,
or that I do it your way when I do not
agree, understand, or remember.
     I don’t want to be pressured, coerced,
or terrorized by real or threatened injury,
deliberate serious harm, pain, loss, or
inconvenience, to do what I think I should not.
     Do not make rules for me which you do not
choose to obey yourself.
     I do not want to be restricted
so that I cannot act to maintain my own
health of mind and body,
or kept from helping others do the same.
     I do not want to be restricted from enjoying
taste, touch, smell, hearing, or seeing.

Please try to change me.
     I want to be changed for my good
and also for our mutual benefit.
     Improve my environment. You are part of it
and you control part of my physical environment.
(Near or far away.) What you say and do
makes a difference to me. To grow, I need
food, clothing, shelter, air, water, and opportunity.
     Love me so that I will naturally love you in return.
Your choice of words and acts are involved.
     Tell me where opportunity is, pay me,
give me gifts. Reward me with words (thanks),
looks, hugs, and your time.
     Counsel with me, giving me your point of view,
and listening to my thoughts, so that you will know
how to counsel me. Tell me what I do not see
in myself, with a goal to reach mutual understanding.
     After I understand then remind me.
(Before it is nagging.)
     Be willing to teach me.
Explain what I do not understand.
Show me what I missed seeing.
Make information available to me.
     Let me observe what you are doing
so that I can learn from you.