scan0003.jpgI am glad I became a mother.
    I thank God for my children six.
Of joys I can think of no other
    That can give more perfect bliss
Than to have wee babies so helpless
    To love and to keep for one’s own
To enjoy and to train until at last–
    –So soon they become fully grown

Then out into the world they went quickly
    To train for their life work while here.
We missed them when at school and at college
    Sometimes we would e’en shed a tear
But we knew they were training for service
    To help someone his burden to bear
And to teach about Jesus’ soon coming,
    That to meet Him we all must prepare.

And so - we were happy, but lonesome
    When our babes were out of their nest
But God’s care was constantly o’er them
    And now with good mates each is blessed.
God knew the good mate each one needed
    He gave to each one what was best
So we fully trust God with the future
    For we see how He’s led in the past.
We’re glad we became Dad and Mother
    We enjoy being grandparents too
New cares, new joys, new victories
    Until with life’s journey we’re through.
Our children to us are all wonderful
    And each in their own dear way
Reveal that they still do love us
    E’en now since our hair’s turned gray.
                Mom Blake


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