The work of good government
is to subdue bullies
who steal, kill, rape, deceive, or do deliberate damage.


 Truth should not be obscured to defend the guilty from responsibility.


Justice may require that the guilty compensate the innocent for losses caused

but all punishment should be for the future good of the one punished.


Every person should be defended against mistreatment. 

When two are angry with each other,

they have a tendency to hurt the other

beyond seeking justice, so defense is needed.


To protect or facilitate the criminal in crime

encourages more crime.


In our societies as they are,

respect for personal ownership and bonding are essential:

For mental comfort,

For efficient production,

For fulfillment of potential,

For prosperity,

And even for the meeting of needs.


Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health,...

3 John 1:2


Righteousness Exalts Nation:  

But sin [is] a reproach to any people.

Proverbs14:34, Psalm 37:34, 1 Peter 5:6

What can make a nation fit for honor and exaltation?
While those in prominent positions do more to affect the reputation of a nation, each individual makes a difference too. Every individual encourages or discourages those who know or interact with them. This impedes or facilitates the production, prosperity, comfort, happiness, and health of others. Each citizen has perhaps an equal value in determining the real honor or reproach of a nation.

The root of the word culture is cult. A cult is a group of people with distinctive ideas and practices. All and every organization has its traditional ideas and practices. The larger a group or organization becomes the more daunting the task of changing the characteristics of it. But a nation, business, or church in decline must change or perish.

What can you do? What can I do to save our society? Study, observe, listen, pray, to know what truly are desirable results and what practices produce them. Point others to the source of understanding. “Christian” nations have achieved more excellence than others. Yashua also called Jesus the Christ is our purest example and spokesman for what is desirable and how to achieve it.

“It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” Matthew 4:4, Luke 4:4, Deuteronomy 8:3 The Bible has been the most respected and valuable source of knowledge of Jesus and His Heavenly Father who together with the Holy Spirit created us and our world. They know, understand, are familiar with , in every detail and broad principle the harmonious interactions of people and material things. We can learn to understand if we act on our desire to know.

Groups, nations, churches, schools, family, and friends may help but we must study individually to recognize the powerful momentum and traditions of culture not soundly based in fact or the right spirit. The right spirit is a spirit of love, truth, adoption, teaching, helping, healing, correction, freedom.

Many are expecting a heavenly millennium and an earth renewed to the ideal conditions God intended. We need the Father, Son, and Holy spirit to teach us how to fit into a heavenly culture.
“Blessed [are] they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.”

Jesus in Matthew 5:6

Phil Blake April 2017
