Intolerance is:
Compelling, restricting, or silencing
by harm, cruelty, force, or threat of these.
Endeavoring to overrule another's obedience to their conscience.
Stating false accusations for the purpose of
diminishing the credibility and influence of another.
These are not intolerance:
Positive, constructive, independent action
Simple disagreement
Difference of belief
The peaceful statement of ones sincere belief
Phil Blake
Punishment should be for the future good of the one punished.
"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time,
and your government when it deserves it." ~ Mark Twain
Cowboy Logic: “Never deal with a person
who thinks everyone else is a crook.”
Cowboy Logic: “An untrustworthy person finds it difficult
to believe that other people have honor.”
Worker Efficiency Checklist Click it
There is a movie about how good it is
when all guns are confiscated or controlled.
It is called: Schindler’s List. It reveals historical evidence.
See it !
Despoil To deprive of possessions by force, plunder.
Despond To become disheartened, give up.
Despondent In low spirits from loss of hope or courage.
Despot A ruler with absolute power,
especially one who exercises it in a cruel or oppressive way.
The dictionary describes something I have experienced.
Perhaps you have too.
Feel Unloved?
Enjoy Life
If you discipline yourself wisely today, you will enjoy your life more tomorrow.
It is in the water,
Not on the land,
That men learn to swim.
...skill is learned in the work itself.
ED 268 EGW
Jesus saves his people now by knowing the life he lived on earth including what he did, said, and the way he died.
We are saved when we learn facts of his life, admire them, and accept them as our own concepts of right and wrong.
We save others from our sin when we refrain from sinning against them and from tempting them to sin.
We help save others from their own sin when we correctly inform them of Jesus life, his love, and hope for them.
We help save people from their guilt by informing then that Jesus invited sinners to come to him, he associated with them, he tolerated them, and he forgave them.
Phil Blake, 3 Feb 2015
Like me you must have wondered why so many couples divorce.
I began to realize that it was not all about my wife, or me.
Who Killed the American Family?
Phyllis Schlafly in this new book (2014) names others involved.
Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood,
but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world,
against spiritual wickedness in high [places]. April 2015
Terrorism is the belief that fear, intimidation, and terror
are effective and acceptable tools for managing people.
Terrorism is accomplished by treating one or some cruelly,
so they and others who watch or know of it
will act to avoid similar treatment. PB
All punishment
should be for the future good of the one punished.
Much better that children learn obedience
through trust than through punishment.
Children will within themselves recognize
that it is best to obey if parents
only give orders for the children's benefit.
PB 7 April 2017
Animosity is a destroyer not a builder.
Don’t be led to feel or use it.
Abandon it !
The American Heritage Dictionary, Animosity:
“Bitter hostility or hatred”
[No legitimate offense is needed.]
Resentment is a reaction to unjust treatment.
Active animosity can thrive without a legitimate cause.
Only Believe
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16
Salvation comes to you who believe in Jesus. The more you believe of His life and teaching, the more saved you are. He did a lot of living and a lot of teaching.
You can read of His life and words in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and some other places in the Bible.
Friendship warms the heart
without a word.
We express our love for others and
become aware of the love of others
for us by the spirit (attitude) we sense
expressed in:
Acts of service
Gentle touch
Words of love
Choosing to give personal attention
and time.
"Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled." "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you. For everyone that asketh reciveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened." Matthew 5:6, Luke 11:9 (1-13)
My Grandfather Joseph Blake operated a sawmill and tugboat on Own Sound.
I traveled there once with my family including my father in his old age.
It is special to hear from Own Sound and about your great work. Thank you
I will just say keep life good for them with play learning, accomplishments from work, and quality social experience.
I would warn them not to let sex become their main focus.
It is important but a small part of life.
PRAYER REQUEST My four children have been taught to think poorly of me. They were comforted by my presence and provision for the first years of their lives. Please pray with me that "..before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord...He shall turn the heart of (this father) to (my) children, and the hearts of (my) children to their (earthly and heavenly fathers). PB See Malachi 4
I have been unable to add or delete anything in this website for a very long time, until today 17 April 2022. I regret that your attempts to send messages could not succeed and still probably cannot.
After listening to several voices, considering social and national events and trends, remembering what little I can comprehend of Bible prophecy, it seems likely to me that this year is a time for preparation--spiritual, physical and material--and that next year--September to September will be God's designated year long Sabbath. See "Sabbath More Fully" in this website. [UPDATE IN 2024: Next is the fall of 2029 through the fall of 2030]
Today, Thanksgiving Day 2024, I rejoice. I have regained working access to this site. I thank God, Barry, and the internet that I can again communicate to you. I am so pleased to know that many are visiting this site and downloading pages and books which testify to the goodness of God and his instructions to us.