The urgency for preparation comes from current events and Revelation 13-20. Jesus predicted, “...then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.”
“Beasts” can be quite helpful but they are also powerful to do harm. Society is now highly organized. “Beasts" can hurt us severely by violence or simply withholding services if we are dependent on them for food, water, air, clothing, shelter from heat and cold or freedom to act and acquire these. To what extent do we function in relationship to those organizations?
The people of God are marked by sighing and crying against the sin they see (Ezekiel 9) and obeying God’s commands (Revelation 14:12). When people obey men, women, beasts, or Satan in such a way that they disobey God, that indicates (marks them) that they have given higher authority to men than to God. God has instructed, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me”. Exodus 20:3 ...follow the Lamb...Revelation 14:4, 9, 10.
Repeatedly through history God’s people have left a society to establish or re establish their own separate residence on the land. Abraham did. Lot did. Moses led slaves out of Egypt. Ezra and over forty two thousand left Babylon. Christians left Jerusalem before its destruction as predicted by Jesus. Europeans came to America.
In the beginning God placed Adam and Eve in a garden–an enjoyable perfect garden. Everything they needed for their sustenance and pleasure was there. Sin came, the earth was cursed for man’s sake. Getting food from the earth and providing shelter became serious work, but work was a blessing to their bodies, minds, and spirits.
God desires to lead us back, step by step, toward living as Adam and Eve were intended to live.
Prepare to know and obey God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost; Live in a garden which provides for all of your needs without buying, selling, or worshiping other gods.
Phil Blake February 2012