One party gives up their preference.
        This is by far the most frequently used method though it is not necessarily the most ideal. It is unfortunate if one of the parties must always submit to the other regardless of which idea is best.

One party gives reasons why and agreement is reached.
Each party gives reasons why and agreement is reached.
        The discussion would be about benefits to be gained or resulting damage and relative values.
        Delay of discussion, decision, or action can allow more time for collection of evidence and consideration.

Compromise may give each party complete, or more likely, partial satisfaction with agreement. This might include buying, selling, and trading anything.

Counseling especially with a mutually respected person
        who might encourage more consideration of the facts, of what is reasonable, beneficial, and satisfactory to both, and perhaps supplying new facts and insight.

Arbitration The parties in conflict agree that they will abide by the decision of a third mutually respected party.


Authority without agreement.

War resulting in domination/submission, incapacity, death.