We wait for him who is our life
And trust he’s coming soon,
But oh! The sin and pain and strife
And stormy war clouds loom. 

Why does he not come back to reign
The prince of Peace and Might
Oh! Send the blessed latter rain
To fit us for our flight.

We look for thee, we long for thee
To bring us peace and rest,
In our eternal home to be
And welcomed on our breast. 

The hours drag to days and years.
The years drag on and on,
With only hope to still our fears
The waiting seems so long.

The darkest hour of night has come.
The dawn will come at last,
We’ll reach the end of life’s long run
Our anchors holding fast.

Within the vale our surety sits.
Our names are written there.
These days of testing he permits.
We soon his peace will share.