If things in life are going wrong
Your life seems all up hill
You"re one among the wandering throng
Submit to Jesus will. 

It may be he will bring life straight
And make your way stay plain
But new ambition is your gait,
And turn your loss to gain. 

Commit your all into his care
And leave your burdens there
His eyes are watching everywhere
Through dark and noonday glare. 

Can you not trust your nearest friend
His love is tried and true
He will defend you to the end
His love embraces you. 

Just trust my friend and trust and trust
Until your way is clear.
You’ll win with him for win you must
No place for doubting fear. 

And when you see him face to face
Life’s toilsome journey o’er
You’ll see the marvel of his grace
And doubt his love no more.