For thirty pieces of silver,
How brightly they gleam and shine.
Eager eye and lip quiver,
Oh! Could that treasure be mine?
This friend of mine I must betray,
Oh! See the pile of silver.
My conscience stilled just for to-day,
The treasure mine forever.
Or maybe it is friend so dear,
Or glory, pride, or pleasure,
The hum-drum life I’m living here,
Exchanged for life’s full measure.
But on the morn when He appears,
Oh! How can I ere face him.
I dread the silver turned to tears,
The ties of love all riven.
No, no, its magnet draws me not,
Its pleasures cannot buy me.
What ere my test, what ere my lot,
True to my trust shall I be.
The world from God alures me,
Its glories entice me on,
God stands gently pleading,
His great love my heart at last won.