I muse as I watch the sunset,
And note the day is done;
But why should I my lot regret
Or dread the day to come.

The hand of God the almighty,
That ruleth all so well,
Who guideth my ship at 80
The span of life can tell.

The next step I take well knowing,
My guide will not deceive,
But still at the new days dawning,
His care I shall receive.

And onward through the times eternal,
New chapters I shall read,
And on through new springs vernal,
My soul shall know no need.

For daily I have committed,
All to his loving care,
And now I soon shall be fitted,
Ever his love to share.

Trusting in day or night faith,
I rest in hope or peace
And trusting in the new morning call,
From grave to sure release.